The NZAB Submission To the Government of Canada’s 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan

The NZAB Submission To the Government of Canada’s 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan

The Climate Messengers is a grassroots group of individuals spread from Montreal to Vancouver who are concerned about climate change policy in Canada. We share expert-backed climate solutions with Canadians to spark the political will to enact effective climate policies. We have no funding, no budget, and no formal organizational structure. Right now, we want to share some thoughts with other citizens who are concerned about climate change, and especially with other grassroots ENGOs, on the NZAB Submission. The NZAB was created by the Canadian Net-Zero Emission Accountability Act (the “Act”), which became law in June 2021. The NZAB mandate...

Promise, Policy, Action – Nov 16th

Promise, Policy, Action – Nov 16th

Here’s the thing:There’s an important deadline coming up. Dec 29 is the Environment Minister’s deadline to provide their detailed plan for achieving 40% to 45% GHG reductions by 2030. Before that date, the Minister must consult the public on the plan. We want to get a lot of people to push the federal government to quickly enact those climate change policies they promised during the election that will make the biggest, fastest reductions to Canada’s Greenhouse Gas emissions, and we want to get you to help us: We want you to help us focus on our list of policies, then...

What Climate Policies Should We Advocate For?

What Climate Policies Should We Advocate For?

An Online Discussion with Caroline Lee Canadian Institute for Climate Choices Full discussion video. General Approaches Advocate for “transformative” policies Direct GHG reductions may not be huge, but these policies unlock further change needed for large scale GHG reductions Advocate for policies that meet other societal goals Garner support from the public by appealing to other motivations people may have (eg: health issues) See extended notes for comments on public/political will Advocate for the strengthening of existing policies Lower barrier than introducing new policies Summary of Key Policies Carbon pricing for big emitters CARBON PRICING FOR BIG EMITTERS Why should...