
Take Personal Action to Help Improve the Draft Oil & Gas Sector Greenhouse Gas Emissions Cap Regs
The federal government recently published the Draft Oil and Gas Sector Greenhouse Gas Emissions Cap Regulations (the “Draft Regs”). They are now holding an online public consultation until 8 January, 2025, where people like you can comment on the Draft Regs.
It’s important that you do so. In the two previous rounds of public consultation on the Oil & Gas Emissions Cap, the government received 20,000 emails from members of the public who wanted to weaken or kill the Draft Regs. Fortunately, even more people sent emails in favour of stringent and rapid Draft Regs, but we need to keep up our action through the home stretch.
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CMC is looking for volunteers to help us with keeping our government accountable to its commitments. Sign up today and we’ll be in touch!
The NZAB Submission To the Government of Canada’s 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan
The Climate Messengers is a grassroots group of individuals spread... -
Promise, Policy, Action – Nov 16th
Here's the thing:There's an important deadline coming up. Dec 29... -
What Climate Policies Should We Advocate For?
An Online Discussion with Caroline Lee Canadian Institute for Climate Choices ...
Climate Messengers Canada was formed after a small group of us came together to fight for major changes to Bill C-12, which is now the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act. During the process, we realized that we were a great team and that this was just the beginning of our work together in climate action!
Our agile team’s unique mix of diverse skills and experience includes:
~ policy and program analysis
~ communications and technology
~ audio and video production
~ social media engagement
By 29 March of this year, the Environment Minister must establish Canada’s plan to achieve our 2030 Greenhouse Gas emissions reduction target. Before that, he must hold public consultations about what should be in the plan. Those public consultations are occurring between now and 14 January 2022, and they are focused on hearing from regular Canadian citizens like you and us.
Climate Messengers Canada has created a toolkit to assist individuals and other climate organizations to make their own submissions and be heard!
Tackling the climate emergency is a key issue in this federal election. Understanding each party’s climate change platforms is critical as Canadians head to the polls to determine who will lead us through the climate crisis.
You have the power to vote for strong climate action!
The proposed Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act (Bill C-12) is supposed to make the federal government accountable for reaching our greenhouse-gas-reduction targets. This is crucial: Canada has never come close to meeting its targets, while the rest of the G7 countries’ emissions are falling. However, as Bill C-12 stands now, it is woefully weak. The number and degree of its flaws cripple the bill’s ability to hold government accountable. At this point, what we have is the Unaccountability Act.