Promise, Policy, Action – Nov 16th

Promise, Policy, Action – Nov 16th

Here’s the thing:There’s an important deadline coming up. Dec 29 is the Environment Minister’s deadline to provide their detailed plan for achieving 40% to 45% GHG reductions by 2030. Before that date, the Minister must consult the public on the plan.

We want to get a lot of people to push the federal government to quickly enact those climate change policies they promised during the election that will make the biggest, fastest reductions to Canada’s Greenhouse Gas emissions, and we want to get you to help us: We want you to help us focus on our list of policies, then to help us decide on the means for exerting the pressure, and then help us to do it.

Climate Messengers has a few ideas about which policies to advocate for, but we would love to join forces with other groups, hear which policies are important to them, and make a plan for how we can all work together to make sure these policies make it into the Environment Minister’s plan.

Join us Tuesday, November 16th, 2021
7:30 PM ET / 4:30 PT